Well, what is abiquo?
"Open Source Platform for sharing data and reesources acrss heterogeneous devices. Built using disruptive technologies (Grid Computing / Cloud, M2M, Virtualization and Distributed Data Processing)"
Mmm ... open souirce, grid and cloud computing. Of coure draws attention at first but honestly I have not been able to knoow at first sight what they do.
In a post in Loogic (Spanish, sorry :) ) we see some more clues, apparently they offer three types of services:
- Simplifying the use by the companies of ckoud computing. We see the usefulness of bringing platforms like Amazon EC2 to companies for their computing needs, but we just do not see how, and where does Abiquo adds value, yet.
- Then it speaks about the creaion of applications running on multiple machines. A distributed computing platform, which apparently is the piece that has bewen released as Open Source (a very interesting movement of course).
- Finally, and it is when things become a bit confusing, we read as follows:
I know something about "la red of thins", normally associated with Wireless networks , and especially the concept of interconnecting eleemnts we don't think about when talking about la red. Whenever I think of this, applications liek industrial ones and domotjcs come to my mind. It certainly sounds like one of those things that look liek science fiction and will part of our lifes sooner than we thino ....
So, Cloud computing + Grid computing + la red of things?
I don't get it, yet. I need to read further.
In the bitacora of Abiquo's CEO Dieggo Mari?a> and reading their wiki things get a little more technical and I start to understand better:
- Definitely what they have released is a basically an open source framework for distributedd computing. Good news!
- About applications, same ideas: Intensive computing (gride), Clouud compuging and, in the future,"la red of things".
From TodoOnDemand, good luck!. I am glad to see companies like this. I hoipe that the just closed round of investment helps in facing such ambitious goals.
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